On Sept 25, 1999 I recieved another manilla envelope with some interesting looking stamps on it. Inside the envelope was a pretty cool looking coin, enclosed in a little plastic coin carrying slip which also contained a word in Hebrew. It also contained a very cool looking marble. Below are pictures and analysis:

I emailed a friend about this, one who knows a lot about coins. His reply:

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 06:32:02 +0800
From: ----------------------------------
To: bryan d hance 

Your coin is a Mexican gold 2 1/2 peso piece. While it's dated 1945, the
Mexican mint struck them with that date for years.

It's worth its weight as gold. Gold's $275 an ounce right now and climbing
up from $225 at the beginning of the month, before the European central
banks decided to limited gold sales for the next few years.

I don't remember exactly what your coins weighs - not a lot. You'r coin's
worth on the order of $20 to $30. I'll check tonight and let you know

Any coin dealer will buy it for bullion.

It's a neat coin.

Anybody know Hebrew? I'm sure I probably scanned this upside down and backwards, too...
From ashton:
 Also, in the package of 9/25/99, the Hebrew word (which
 Bryan did a great job of scanning right side up :-) is
 mem-lamed-kaph-vav-tob ... plural feminine of "melek",
 and means "queens" (melek, and other words derived from
 this three-letter-root, mean "king", "kingdom", etc).

And an update from ashton, later on...
> > > Orphanage:
> > > Send a picture of the Hebrew word (written on blue paper) to 
> > > someone who knows Kabbalah.  Your source should also indicate 
> > > where on "The Tree of Life" that particular word stands.
> > 
> > Ashton:
> > It's located at the very bottom.  See:
> > 
> >   http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/Sefirot/Sefirot.html
> > 
> > (in this diagram, this node is labeled "shekinah", but in most
> > other sources I've read, it is "melekot").

This looks terrible right now, but have you ever tried scanning a marble? It's pretty hard. Since I was busy and didn't get around to posting pictures of all this, I got a few letters from the Orphanage, basically telling me to get off my ass and do some work :)

Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 16:51:00 -0700 (MST)
To: bhance@AZStarNet.com

Data Express... 
This data is from the Form located at the URL:
clue=Mr. Hantz:
      Ask one of your mathematically inclined friends to provide the 
          correct name for the figure found in the small, glass globe 
you recently received.  When you know that, turn it over in your mind 
and start looking at the NUMBERS from any of Maitag pages.
name=One of your many

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 11:14:06 -0700 (MST)
To: bhance@AZStarNet.com

Data Express... 
This data is from the Form located at the URL:
   Word has been passed that you are welcome to keep anything of monetary 
value;indeed, that is why it was sent to you. So spend,take it to the 
Foreign exchange department of your bank or do whatever is economically 
good for Bryan.  You should, however, SCAN samples of the currency, the 
coin AND ESPECIALLY, the Hebrew that accompanied the coin.  The point of 
the foregoing will become evident as Time passes.
name=Your multitude of friends

Incidentally, I've never cashed anything in that has been sent to me, even the foreign currencies I was sent in July. Also see here...
