• "Why is Riemann famous?" Think of the constantly repeated references to levels. How does Riemann surpass Euclid, especially in regard to topology? Notice the quote from Einstein--think about your point of Historical Madness.
  • whatever they may be) are obviously working on a multi-level "tema con variazioni" where part of the mathematics would require a cybernetic key--not the simplistic Clavis of your friend with the wooden shoes, but that "Clavis" could refer to another level, in another Announcement. The fact that the Dutchman picked up on the childishly simplistic "Clavis" still did not lead him to draw theninference as to the interlocking quadrants--and whatever else
  • [Surprising conceptual omission in someone who is giving his life to logic, if we can believe his Webpage.] If you worked more on the evolving themes, you might see the point more quickly.
    Fuck you.
  • For example, what did Winthrop do? You have the historical facts on Winthrop (a few of them) but what he really did was invent an economically viable Body Politic--and did it by largely ignoring economics and emphasizing another Dimension.
  • More like they want something bigger. Final point, if I were as interested as the Webmaster, I would try to get straight on why Chemnitz is historically important--he did something which made history very different--you might try to figure out what it was. You might even be able to find it on the Web. Then notice how his name is interwoven with the mathematics of boundary situations.
    Riemann is best remembered for his development of non-Euclidian geometry, important in modern physics and relativity theory. His profound conjecture (the Riemann hypothesis) about the behavior of the zeta (or Riemann) function, which he showed determines the distribution of the prime numbers.
    From here: work from a single unifying perspective. Laugwitz describes Riemann's development of a conceptual approach to mathematics at a time when conventional algorithmic thinking dictated that formulas and figures, rigid constructs, and transformations of terms were the only legitimate means of studying mathematical objects. David Hilbert gave prominence to the Riemannian principle of utilizing thought, not calculation, to achieve proofs. Hermann Weyl interpreted the Riemann principle Ñ for mathematics and physics alike Ñ to be a matter of "understanding the world through its behavior in the infinitely small."
  • These "people" seem to like you, Webmaster, so try out a few ideas, especially in conjunction with your cohorts. Maybe the participants will anwer you in some form. Even if you never hear from them again, it will have stretched your mind beyond the little boxes we all naturally inhabit, until sufficiently stimulated to move off Dead Center.
    Once again a slight 'we detest your average ways' type post. Dead Center seems to be capitalized for a reason...DC? Washington? Direct Current?

  • Second 'friend' transmission:
    To: bhance@AZStarNet.com
    Subject: http://www.azstarnet.com/~bhance/mayday/texts/96-may1.html
    Data Express... 
    This data is from the Form located at the URL:
    clue=Ref: Lia's last words, "Foucault's Pendulum" chapt 106.
    name=A Friend

    Not minutes after posting some email clues I'd had sitting around for weeks, I get a NEW message.
    To: bhance@AZStarNet.com
    Subject: http://www.azstarnet.com/~bhance/mayday/texts/92-jan22.html
    Data Express... 
    This data is from the Form located at the URL:
    clue=Hey dude, like you finally noticed a Level--lota folk be wonderin' how 
    long it take Cyber-Journalist.  No bigee, slow be better than not a-tall.  Look 
    at the last page a de story that Bro' Bunyan done wrote, Pilgrim's 
    Progress--"behold it was a dream"--but he taked it from our buddy Bryan's 
    reference, 41 outa Genesis.  Levels, man, think levels.  
    You do code, dude?  You gotta be into levels. You friends is too.
    name=A friend