
url:  06-may1.html

name:  U Bud

clue:  Yo bro!  Gotz ta be Kwik az dis ain no kinda safe place.  Orderz direkt from THE
ORPHANAGE: "Tell Mr. Hance that while we did indeed sustain collateral damage during the
Third Level Penetration, the Pelagian devils could not access what will release energy as
50% shock wave, 35%thermal energy and 15% as neutrons and gamma rays.  The foregoing is to
be considered analogically.  Beyond this you are not authorized to communicate."  Straight
from de Source, Bry.  So doant wait too long, everybody on one side or de otha.  No middle


This was followed by another email:

name:  U Bud

clue:  Damn, Bry, I gettin silly in de head forgot half de message.  THE ORPHANAGE also
say: "We expect to meet Mr. Thomasson at the right hand of the Father."  Man, dat sum kinda
heavy compliment.  
