url:  02-dec4.html

clue:  Yo dude!  You lazy ass bud iz fixin ta hit de rode an befo' shippin out Ah iz s'posed ta lay a few woidz on Bro Bry.
SeerEus dinkin goin on 'bout how ta best reward ole Bry. Problem iz ev'buddy tied in knots jes now.  Like eben dum'ass me. 
De houndz is bayin an ole Simon Legree is pantin 'bout 2 fart behind me so De Orphanage folk say "Go chill in
XYX--XXXXXX***XX!!!XjXXXXzzX, we bring U back when dem blood-suckahz git tired an go ta happy hour fer some T&A like all dem
scum does."   Dat aint zacklee wat dey says but Ah gots ta skaddle and stay skaddle fer a bit.  If it got writ in de Book
befo' de Creation den U Bud be back preddy soon.  

Now fer de sekund an las' part Bro Bry check out wat de dude say 'bout Firenze. Sign xoxox or somethun along dem lines. But
dink lateral while U doez id.  Aint a direkt inference wat Aristotle would draw.  More like "Cantor wasn't fuzzy, was he?"