url:  01-dec5.html

name:  you bud

clue:  Yo dude!  Ah wuz nestled down in mah Dempstah Dumpstah cuttin ZZZs an' dreamin a death kampz wid dat greazy smoke 
comin out de chimneyz--de Oppizhun floatin a-way an de breez.  Felt so goooood.  Den ah hearz dis bangin agin de side a mah 
home--klang, klang, klang, somebudz poundin an de dumpstah wid some kinda metal klub.  Doan't pay no mind az Ah knowz it be 
"valentine's day" and we doant kare nuthin bout dat heathen shit.  If id aint from De Orphanage, let 'em fuck a duck.
Den Ah gitz hit wid a E-lektrik shock what hung mah bladder out mah left ear, so Ah burrows up ta de top, yellin all de 
while, "Komin--komin-komin--didn't know id wuz O-fishul."  OUtside iz diz mean dude wat handle de local elektrik-questionin 
an head-reAHrranjin a dem wat needs id. Like he dezIgn dat klub hizself--fun ta watch him uze id an de shitheadz--but aint 
fun when he smak de metal sidz a mah dumpstah wid Full Force.  

So Ah poke out mah head and say "Sock id to me, sir."  He say, "Tell Bro Bry dat De Orphanage peoples knowz all bout bein 
busy.  Take hiz time wid postin.  Bry be our man."  So doant break no sweat, Bro. We wid ya.


hance - I cannot possibly think of a more fucked up and disturbing way to tell someone 'hey, take your time'.