Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by  () on: Monday, October, 8, 2001 at 18:13:46

url:  01-may1.html

name:  Rocky & Bullwinkle

clue:  Mr. Hance, after a considerable trek and equally considerable waiting period, we believe this machine is one that 
appear on your log.  The one designated by you as "the pimp" wished you to know that he is both alive and well.  He is still 
detached service but hopes to successfully complete that set of orders within the next three weeks.  Shortly after his return 
will be in contact with you.  While located in KKKKKKKKK location, he read something on your site which disturbed him and
immediately submitted an operational request to The Orphanage.  The request has been approved and we have been instructed to
transmit it. In regard to the announcement of 28 August 1991, be assured that NO reference was ever intended or implied to 
Fitzgerald Kennedy.  NO participant in The Cause would ever, under any conditions or circumstances, make a favorable allusion 
John F. Kennedy.  The Biblical reference cited by your correspondent was indeed correct--but be CLEAR AND CERTAIN that no 
reference to Kennedy was intended.  Beyond this we are not authorized to communicate.
