Hance: Jessica point out that Owsley might not refer to Stanley Owsley, the 60's-70's bay-area acid guru I have often though was the 'Owsley' mentioned in the Mayday ads. As you see below, there is a Richard Owsley @ Univ. of N. Texas (which, as you'll note, is mentioned quite often) whose primary focus seems to be Heidegger. Pretty interesting stuff. ------------------------- Richard Owsley: http://www.cep.unt.edu/owsley.html Richard Owsley came to the University of North Texas in 1963 from Auburn University. Although he retired in 1992, he continued to work on modified service for five years, participating in the team-taught Great Books course (involving philosophy, literature, and history). Although his specialties are existentialism and phenomenology, with a special focus on Heidegger, he now teaches a wide variety of courses in the department as an adjunct. He continues to organize and hold his Heidegger Conference each year. -------------- http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/past.htm Past Conferences: "Heidegger and the Future of Philosophy" Moderator, Richard Owsley, University of North Texas ----------------- http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/papers.htm Past Papers: See how most of them are Richard Owsley and look at the subjects they're dealing with: Martin Heidegger and German Expressionism http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/pdfs/expressi.pdf Martin Heidegger and the Limits of Formal Thinking http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/pdfs/formal.pdf Heidegger, Gadamer, & the Arts http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/pdfs/gadamer.pdf Karl Jaspers: Metaphysics, Ontology, and Periechontologie http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/pdfs/periecho.pdf Heidegger & Zimmerman: The Place of Nature in the Fourfold http://www.unt.edu/heidegger/pdfs/zimmerma.pdf --------------- Other writings/teachings/events: -December 27, 1999 - elected President of the Karl Jaspers Society of North America. -March 31, 2000 - Presented the paper Meaning and Truth in Continental Philosophy at the annual meeting of the New Mexico/West Texas Philosophical Association meeting in Irving, Texas. -His paper Martin Heidegger and Logic was published in the 1999 volume of Southwest Philosophical Studies. (published March, 2000) -April 11, 2000 - Presented the paper Cassirer and The Problem of Myth at The Dallas Philosophers' Forum. -April 19, 2000 - Gave the opening address, The Meaning of Truth in Husserl and Heidegger, at the 20th Heidegger Conference, UNT. -April 19, 2000 - Was honored by students and colleagues for his work in establishing a fertile ground for the study of Martin Heidegger and Phenomenology. -Commentator, "Response to John Redmond's 'The Logical Investigations: Intimations of a Transcendental Logic,'" 30th Annual Husserl Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, June 23, 2000. -Participated in a panel on the life and thought of Georg Simmel. Part One - Moderator. Part Two - presented paper entitled: "George Simmel: Kant's Critique of Historical Judgment." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Penn State, University Park, PA., October 5-7, 2000 Richard Owsley University of North Texas, "Catholic Personalism: Scheler, Mounier and Wojtyla" (Work in Progress) Richard M. Owsley, Philosophy, University of North Texas, argued in his paper, "Martin Heidegger's Expressionistic Theory of Art," that in his writings on poetry and other works of art Heidegger advocates the view that art reveals and expresses the nature of Being. But the artists is not merely a transparent means through which Being is expressed; Being also accommodates itself to the artist's particular perspective. --------------